Government organisations are at a crossroads. 

Many governments around the world have spent decades building trust with their citizens. However, recently this goodwill has been diminishing as customers’ expectations increase along with their dependence on digital infrastructures. The private sector is calling the tune, but the public sector, less familiar with digital technologies, has always tended to lag behind. The pandemic has not only emphasized this gap, but it has also widened it. In fact, more and more government customers require to be served online, in real time. 

However,  there is an increasing awareness and understanding of the upcoming new digital wave in public administration. This is illustrated by the new key global agencies that are being formed. They are all dedicated to improving the citizen and employee experience in the public sector and are committed to leveraging digital technologies to achieve this. 

Why are government organisations struggling to keep up with modernization through technology? 

It is usually because of their lack of processes. Internal processes have a huge impact on the overall experience offered to citizens and employees. It is difficult to identify what is going wrong or where there is room for improvement if you do not understand your processes in the first place. 

Large and small organisational processes are what underpin the ability of governments to deliver a better customer experience, optimize the employee experience and drive continuous innovation. 

If your own internal teams do not have visibility and access to your processes, efficiency will be the first thing you will lose. And ultimately, it will prevent you from creating sustainable and effective change, which could lead to the erosion of trust of your electors – the one thing you have worked so hard to achieve. 

Do you work for or with a government organisation and want to know more? 

Contact our teams to find out how can: 

  • Assist your citizens and public officials by simplifying access to information 
  • Reduce redundant tasks for your staff 
  • Improve your citizen and employee experience 
  • Simplify your internal process 
  • Accelerate your digital transformation